CBD Vape

Want to buy CBD vape oil online? We have a wide variety of vapes, refill cartridges, single use, and disposable and related products for anyone who prefers vaping CBD. Vaping often is faster and easier than smoking or other methods of consuming CBD, such as using a tincture. Shop online now and find what you need at Hemp City!

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Is A CBD Vape Pen Different Than Full Spectrum Vape? 

Yes. CBD vape juice is different than other kinds of vape because it contains just the cannabinoid CBD. Whereas Full Spectrum vape contains the whole hemp plant and all its cannabinoids such as CBD, CBG, CBN, and 0.3% THC-9.


THC is the compound in the cannabis/hemp plant that makes you feel “high”. However, since there is only 0.3% or less of THC-9 in full spectrum vape juice, and none in CBD vape juice, both are federally legal! Additionally, while CBD vape juice contains no THC, CBD vape juice is high in cannabidiol (CBD) as the name suggests, and other natural cannabinoids.



How Long Does It Take For A CBD Vape Pen To Work? 

If you’re vaping CBD, it will usually take less than 30 seconds for you to feel the positive effects of the product. This is comparable to smoking CBD flower using a pipe or another such method of smoking.


This means vapes are faster than tinctures and oils, which tend to take about 15-30 minutes, as well as edibles, which usually take at least 30 minutes to take effect. Vaping is fast, creates no smoke, and is considered to be better for your lungs than smoking, so it’s a great way to consume CBD products.



Shop Online Or In-Store At Hemp City – Find The Right Products With Our Help!

At Hemp City, we offer expert advice and customer service at our three physical stores in California – and online, too! We’re dedicated to helping you buy the right CBD vape oil. So come into our store or shop online now – and as always, feel free to contact us if you have questions or need more information.